Morningside Park

Detroit, Michigan

How do you create a vibrant park with vacant land that is intersected by roadways?

The site was a series of lots acquired by the city of Detroit situated around a four-way intersection. We viewed the intersection as an opportunity to create a park that was a natural extension of the street and sidewalk. This approach created a visible landmark in the neighborhood on all four corners of the park, while maintaining visible safe areas for gathering and play. The phasing of the park begins at the street corner, to activate the neighborhood. A large mural to embody the Morningside Neighborhood is built into the intersection marking this place. From there the idea of a neighborhood front porch emerged. The Front Porch becomes a trellis structure that has the power, lighting, and technical elements to host events for the community. This becomes a key structure in the winter as well, providing a warm semi-enclosed space so the community can enjoy the park in the colder months.

The project phases continue to radiate across the intersection, creating a basketball and multipurpose court, a sledding hill and a renovated Mother’s Garden, a space previously maintained by one of the neighbors of the park. A playground for 0–3-year-olds and one for 4–8-year-olds complete the four corners of the park.

Together these parcels combine to become a model park for the community and the city of Detroit. Combining culture, community, stormwater management, and active recreation, this park becomes a place that will see use by a diverse range of interests and age groups.




Project Type: Park

Client: Planning and Development Department, City of Detroit with a grant from the Knight Foundation

Size: 3 Acres

Timeline: 2018

Team: Collaboration with Bradley Kraushaar, Landscape Architect

Status: Concept Complete

“We viewed the intersection as an opportunity to create a park that was a natural extension of the street and sidewalk.”