Artan Lenja Tower

Tirana, Albania

How can our mixed-use / residential amenities contribute to a city’s pedestrian infrastructure and increase walkability?

LILA’s design for the landscape at Artan Lenja Tower reflects a thoughtful approach to urban connectivity and community engagement. Situated along Tirana’s main ring road, an area undergoing significant development, the landscape design radiates around the tower, establishing essential pedestrian pathways that link the architecture campus with the broader district. This strategic connectivity ensures that the landscape not only serves the immediate vicinity of the tower but also integrates seamlessly with larger parks and open spaces, enhancing the urban fabric of the area and promoting walkability.

The landscape design also emphasizes creating communal spaces that cater to both residents and the wider community. Small, thoughtfully designed pockets within the landscape provide intimate gathering spaces, encouraging social interaction and fostering a sense of community. Ample seating areas are strategically placed throughout, offering spots for rest and relaxation amid the bustling urban environment. This focus on creating inviting, human-scaled spaces underscores LILA’s commitment to enhancing the quality of life for those who live, work, and study in the area.

In response to the rising temperatures in the region, LILA’s design incorporates a significant number of trees to provide much-needed shade and create a cooling microclimate. The cooling effect of the trees, combined with the lush greenery of the garden spaces, creates a comfortable and pleasant environment, making the outdoor areas around Artan Lenja Tower a desirable destination for both residents and visitors. This thoughtful integration of nature within an urban setting exemplifies LILA’s holistic approach to landscape architecture, balancing functionality, sustainability, and beauty.




Project Type: Mixed-Use | Residential

Client: City of Tirana

Size: 1 Acre

Timeline: 2024

Team: LILA; DLF Architects

Status: Concept Complete

“Small, thoughtfully designed pockets within the landscape provide intimate gathering spaces, encouraging social interaction and fostering a sense of community. ”