Advertisements for Trees

New York, NY

How can you highlight the benefits of urban forests to the general public in a way that is memorable and playful?

As part of LILA’s research work, Advertisements for Trees seeks to elevate public understanding of the vital role trees play in urban ecosystems and daily life. This project was recently submitted for a grant application to position trees as an essential infrastructure.

Often overlooked or quickly reduced in a project budget, trees are more than a "nice to have". They clean our air, purify our water, provide us with food, offer shelter, and then some. Imagine an infrastructure that reduces crime rates by 55 percent, accelerates recovery times in hospitals by one day, and increases children's participation in school by 61 percent. Urban forests possess these remarkable abilities, offering a host of benefits that may seem almost magical. 

Through the power of advertising, this project works to transform perceptions and behaviors, ultimately leading to a more tree-friendly urban landscape. Facts and metrics resonate with people far more effectively than broad generalizations. These advertisements can equip fellow designers and the public with this data, helping everyone to make a better case for prioritizing tree planting initiatives. Look out for this campaign coming soon to a bus stop or subway station near you!




Project Type: Research

Timeline: 2024

Team: LILA

Status: In Progress

“Through the power of advertising, Advertisements for Trees works to transform perceptions and behaviors, ultimately leading to a more tree-friendly urban landscape.”